
Forest Rejuvenation and Tree Plantation

Tree plantation at Government Schools (2022-2024)

Funded by Purvankara

With support from Purvankara, Vidyanikethan implemented a tree plantation project in Government schools in Dyavasandhra and Paduvanagara where about 15000 saplings were planted during 2022-2023.

As these saplings are now growing into trees, the green cover in the area is gradually increasing and protecting the precious top soil and retaining water.

Bhoothanahalli Forest Rejuvenation Project

Funded by Continental Automotive Components (India) Pvt Ltd

  • Area of implementation: Balepuradoddi village, Bhoothanahalli, Bangalore
  • Supported by Continental Automotive Components (India) Pvt Ltd
  • Saplings provided by Indus Herbs
  • Project duration: 2021-2024

The valuable support of Continental Automotive and its volunteers led to many of the saplings growing upto 5 feet to 6 feet. Various officials, including the Chief Conservator of Forest and District Forest Officer, from the Department of Forest (Aranya Bhavan) visited the forest.

About the project           

  • No. of trees planted : 2,40,000            
  • Total Area covered under plantation : 20 acres            
  • Tentative amount of Oxygen produced in six years : 562,320 kilograms         
  • Tentative amount of Co2 absorbed in six years : 432 million kg
  • Soil Erosion Controlled in six years : 750 million kilogram     
  • Amount of water conserved in six years : 30,000-45,000 liters per day
  • No. of people benefitted in 6 Years : 60000-80000

The valuable support of Continental Automotive and its volunteers led to many of the saplings growing upto 5 feet to 6 feet. During their visits, the volunteers plant seeds of different kind of trees including shade bearing trees and trees that will help to protect the soil cover. The saplings were provided by Indus Herbs to Vidyanikethan. Various officials, including the Chief Conservator of Forest and District Forest Officer, from the Department of Forest (Aranya Bhavan) visited the forest.

Tree plantation project at Atithi Layout, Bhootanahalli Forest

Funded by Purvankara

About 40000 saplings were planted in Atithi Layout section of the Bhootanahalli Forest.

Purvankara supported a plantation project which consisted on planting 40000 saplings in Bhootanahalli forest, located at Athithi Layout. The plantation is being done in a Miyawaki style. 

Coming Soon

WABTEC Volunteers in a tree plantation drive at Srinidhi Layout, Bhootanahalli Forest

WABTEC funded the plantation of 32000 saplings in the layout


Supported by Poorva Star, Vidyanikethan is implementing a tree planation drive consisting of a total planting of 40000  in 2 Government schools in Harohalli, Kanakapura. These schools are located at • Dyavasandra • Padavanagiri The tree plantation will not only promote greenery in the area but will also help in soil conservation and provide shade in the schools. In the long run, the children will also learn to maintain the trees and respect the environment concepts and of eco-friendly practices. The plantation of 15000 plants took about and included saplings of trees and fruits. The project duration is 2024-2026.

With support from Continental Automotive Components (India) Pvt Ltd, Vidyanikethan implemented the two years forest rejuvenation programme. With the support of volunteers, Vidyanikethan facilitated the planting of about 1,15,000 saplings at Bhoothanahalli forest between 2021 to 2023.

The valuable support of Continental Automotive and its volunteers led to many of the saplings growing upto 5 feet to 6 feet. During their visits, the volunteers plant seeds of different kind of trees including shade bearing trees and trees that will help to protect the soil cover. The saplings were provided by Indus Herbs to Vidyanikethan. Various officials, including the Chief Conservator of Forest and District Forest Officer, from the Department of Forest (Aranya Bhavan) visited the forest.

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